Krista Miller



Krista Miller is a middle- and high-school teacher with a long history of geeking out over all things science fictional and fantastical.  She spends her free time adding to her list of in-progress art and craft projects, exploring the outdoors, engaging in baking experiments, playing games of all kinds, and reading lots and lots of books.  She’s not actually a sports fan but is interested in the roles they play in stories.  She’s an active member of the Nerdfighteria community, and is a moderator for Branching Out Book Club on Discord.  She lives in Cape Breton with her husband, three geeks-in-training children, and cats Pippin and Fable.    


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Bend it Like...Baggins?: Sports and Games in Science Fiction and Fantasy

  • 25 May, 2024
  • 14:00 - 15:00
  • Panel Room Moon